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TO BE TAKEN with a grain of salt.



Programmer’s Code:

Credo of the 21st Century Farmer-Soldier,




The Socratic Dialogues



Cole Abraham.





- What I am hovers bright and loud over me, it speaks before I am spoken to. -


 - I can live on board-nails. -

(In response to the question, can you live solely on a vegan diet?)


 - He was never in a rush, but ready to spend—for a good time, for a good cause, —for a friend. -

 (In late interview, when asked about Washington’s relationship to money.)


- I think the best form of exchange is when there’s no negotiation. -


- Believe in the presence; not the representation of a representation. -


- I believe in man’s infinite capacity to be better than himself, by being himself. -


- Nonsense. You can grow cabbages and eat it year-round. You can’t grow ice cream. -

(When asked about his indifference to food.)


- Every opinion you have is false, old, or someone else’s. -


- I don’t believe in weights and measures. I believe in gravity. -


 - Concentrate. That’s the point. Throw yourself entirely, body and all, into the point of unfolding presence. -


- I never let my technical skill get in the way of my creative genius. -


- I give my clients and most important work my best hours of the day – 4 – 9 am. -


- I judge how hard I've worked by how comfortable I find my hard, uneven bed. -


- I appreciate beauty in all forms, not just material aspects of the sexes—in talent, behavior, ideals. -




Yes, of course I’m idealistic.

we can resign to reality, or we can aspire to Ideals—

it's what allows reality to be better than it is, however long it takes.








* Minotaur 2.0

--a cyberpunk adventure--


ideals are a higher perception of reality.








* On Friendship

--an essay, by Cole Abraham--


There's never an intelligent man who doesn't recognize his abilities in comparison to another's; but the measure of his ability determines the strength of his belief in the like potential in others, and in his commitment in helping them find it.

True friendships come together we know not how, drawn together by the workings of the soul. And it departs just as easily -- perhaps, when the lesson necessary to each individual's development is learned, the tie is severed. But it never dies.


Treat all equally as friends, - that is, for their best interest, - but associate with the virtuous. My friends are those who are my equals or superiors to myself.



Yeah, I'm sure they stay with us. I don't mean that in a cheesy, sentimental way, but in a real tangible way. Especially if they are of a certain spiritual caliber. Saints stay with us forever. In fact, we might say we've known them before we even met; like some single-paged script coded in our DNA. Meeting them

physically was simply the most expedient means to remember them in one of their endless permutations...


Cole Abraham


All may enter, dare they please

The golden gates of Integrity—

Enemies see, the chains unbound

Around thine doors, all year round

Through plague or snow, the Master's key

Dangles free, locklessly,

Draw thy neighbors to be near;

Thy Kingdom come, a friend is there.





* Enchanting the Midnight Sun

--space odyssey into galaxies far, far away--










* Death of an Artist

--an eulogy from the Minister of Letters--










* Dreaming with the Lights Off

--the Politician, Part I --Idol of the Cave--


Lincoln represents the rare combination, both the contemplative philosopher and active statesmen.





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