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------------Book VII-------------







- Well. -

























- What are you waiting for? -





* Exchanging Air with Glass

--a cold world, without a blanket--


* <Item Not Yet Unlocked>



* <Item Not Yet Unlocked>



* <Item Not Yet Unlocked>

--The Politician, Part IV --Idol of the Theater--


* <Item Not Yet Unlocked>

--life, God, the universe, and everything--







BOOK SEVEN: "Chaos and Light."


Godspeed, dilettanti!


Anchor 18

Aphorism #40



Know by my hands the reason why

Is so that the legacy of words

Will never die.


Anchor 10
Exchanging Air with Glass
--a message in a bottle--




"We looked inside. Then we'd rubbed our eyes, to make sure—after all, what we saw

was absolutely, definitely, a city, —tiny, but humming with wild mechanical energy.


There were suspension bridges. Monolithic towers. Even such structures as unlike in any of our own,

ever before, but—there they were, inside the bottle. In the dark, the bottle lit up, like sleepless Gotham."




The snow is gray today. The water has things growing in it. Green, thick at the bottom of it.


Something is wrong. It started happening before anyone realized.—


Babies started wearing facepaint. Santa started showing up late on Christmas, naked.



It's like the whole world's gone to war, and all the women can think about are the uniforms.



Hey, Bobby, you hear 'bout that virus thing goin' around, some endless food supply...


That's right, Dylan. Heard they is doin' it to 'em chickens, now? Four legs instead of two?


Less wing, more meat, Bobby.


That's right Dylan, that's right.



Then they hooked our zombie chickens up to VR.


You know—for the fresh, open pastures we've denied ourselves.




When did it start?


I guess it started with the crayons:














—No, not after our floating islands of plastic turned carnivorous.


There was that climate change—a record-breaking forty days of earthquakes.


A hundred forty degrees in August.


Minus twenty-five late December, —Sao Paulo, Brazil.


Trees started exploding.


Then in winter even the polar bears learned how to knit.



They built a glass dome over our heads, when they found out the rain was mutating our crops. 


The entrepreneurial among us decided to sell pebbles and bottles as "Earth" and "Atmosphere."


But it was no longer economically viable to produce snow for Christmas, they said.


Saint Patrick's Day was more profitable. Plus the Jews wanted Christmas for themselves.


Santa was so upset he shipped all his elves back to Mexico.



Luckily the Feds had a surplus of over twenty-two million pounds of cheese saved up, for emergencies.


Luckily the lobbyists successfully identified cheese as a healthy alternative to red meat ("which causes cancer!")—


luckily cheese is an indispensable part of a balanced breakfast, including Bloody-Mary's and a subscription to Netflix.



And, of course, the chickens.


Stop re-spawning! scream the farmers.


This is madness!



Or maybe it was when government hired professional meditators to wage war with each other;


thought-missiles flying all around, someone was bound to get hurt.


Scattered are the carcasses of whales and giant squids on our shores,


looking like the arms and legs of some god, first shocking shades of


radiation yellow and shocking purple, then stripped bare by the islands, now just moldy green...







When government failed, market interests took up weather-control—



Just a juvenile cry for attention, they said.



But I think Santa's got the right idea.


Some of us have got the right idea.


Like that radiation cat, that escaped—


Building some sort of spaceship to the moon.


What, you haven't heard? It's all over the Facebook feeds.



Hang on, here it is again—









Aphorism #248



The Spartans replaced all precious metals with bulky iron—

to discourage useless trades, theft, bribery, and storage,

and to sustain an economy by only what is fair and necessary.  



Aphorism #207



The Hindus invented

the greatest maze, the Circle.

One escapes through the center.


Anchor 11

The Tree, the Snake, and the Golden Wings

--these are not those kinds of sentences.--



It was at it again.


terrorizing villagers, snake in sea.


climb to mountain.


defeat snake, burn bark from tree


caught in rib-cage, peel off golden feathers





Listen, Washington. The greatest secret lies not in the Eleusinian mysteries, nor in Egyptian architecture; not in Indian astronomy, nor Greek sculpture.

The greatest secret lies not

in the Eleusinian mysteries,

nor in Egyptian architecture;

not in Indian astronomy,

nor in Greek sculpture—



Upon the altar at the summit of the World Tree

on Mount Meru where the six white elephants

tread on the shell of the infernal turtle, he asked:--


"Why, oh why art

thine discs-be-dusking,

ever so enchanting?"


...and Her Brightness, the Sun, graciously replied, --

--  " 'Cuz I make 'em err'day, Bub."


Aphorism #207




clarity of its lines;

balance of its forms;

refinement of its proportions

and rigorous unity of its composition

all organize the various decorative elements

and subordinate them to a leading concept, —the Cathedral.


Anchor 12
<Life, God, and Everything>
--The artist must be sacrificed to the Art.--








Aphorism #207


Sometimes the bodies perish

But dreams continue.


Anchor 14
Return at Once to Nothing!




There was a corruption in the text.



Anchor 40
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