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TO BE TAKEN with a grain of salt.

Last Week on Universal Particle...

episode recaps. @yoursFrankly


Book I

V01. If they could frame a smile, I’d be in the Louvre.

V02. Where once again I save the day by taking my pants off.

V03. Sounds like pollution to me.

V04. Come get your tongue read by yoursFrankly - the latest in fortune-telling!



Book II

V01. How about a handsome 600-volume set of 2005's edition of Wikipedia?

V02. What kind of writing do you do? —The only kind of writing there is, fiction.

V03. Ooh, you're vegan? I only eat red things.

V04. Perfect camping scenario? Electrical outlets, on every tree.

V05. That forehead, though.


Book III

V01. Like accidentally friend-requesting someone you barely know while stalking them.

V02. Breaking and entering the North Pole.

V03. Clowns are supposed to be funny not scary.

V04. I'm probably not a good idea.

V05. Broke my nose when I couldn't seen my reflection running into a mirror. #vampireproblems


Book IV

V01. Well now I got blisters between my toes the size of pomegranates.

V02. Nails were invented so we can more easily pick boogers.

V03. Took a DNA test. I'm 88% troll.

V04. Better than any password.

V05. Sort of like how our selfies make faces at us when we turn our backs.


Book V

V01. If I ever lose you, meet me on Craigslist.

V02. Ah, Bloody-Marys. The bacon of morning beverages.

V03. The loaded bus is the worst place to hold a fart war.

V04. Nothing worse than an unripe banana.

V05. Bro, I know what healthy tastes like—and it don't taste like this.


Book VI


V02. If you don't forward this, I will haunt you like a chain-mail ghost and curse your love life for seven years.

V03. I don't need a friend to enable me to be my same shitty self.

V04. I can't tell if the food I make is any good because anything I make is a miracle.

V05. What's more bad-ass than cold showers? —No showers.


Book VII

V01. I wanted to see how long it'll take before it started moving on its own.   #leftovers. #thefridge.

V02. Found a du-rag from my gangster phase.   #highschool. #whitesuburbankid.



V05. It was a sad book - and I was sad when it ended.













* Minotaur 2.0

--a cyberpunk adventure--










* The Life of Wilheim Gottfriëd

--an American folktale--










* Love, It Makes the World Go 'Round

--an intergalactic space-opera--










* It Takes Two to Write a Story

--the mundane and the metaphysical--










* ?????????????????

--the Politician, Part II --Idol of the Marketplace--







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